Lions Kindling project

Lions Kindling
Dry, easy to light, made from recycled wood, packed in wineboxes. 4 boxes for $30, $10 a box. Free delivery Rangiora.
Money goes back to our local community. Phone 021 1180071 or email

Starts April/May, finishes end of August.

We sell most of our kindling to local residents, who order by phone or email.
We supply a few retailers and restock them every fortnight at the height of the season.

There are 4 groups sorted by task:

1. Dismantlers
We cut up, pull apart and ‘de-nail’ recycled pallets into slats. Pallets are sourced from local businesses in the the Rangiora area. Not all pallets are accepted – they need to be dry; not made of plywood, covered in paint, rotten, processed with methyl-bromide, water-damaged or in other poor condition.

We also occasionally get ‘nail-free’ slats and timber from businesses around Rangiora that dump the offcuts. Slats are stacked in the shed, ready for ripping.

2. Sawers
Slats are ‘ripped’ into 2.5cm-wide strips on benchsaws. This is a 2-person per benchsaw process and generates a fair amount of sawdust (which we either bag up for Club gardeners or sweep onto the dirt floor of the shed.) Strips are then bundled and pushed through a smaller benchsaw into pieces around 25cms in length, the final kindling product. The cutting team are fairly determined and have good backs, get covered in sawdust and have a few laughs as well.
Sawing sessions are weekly on Saturdays from 4-6pm at The Shed.

3. Packers
Kindling is plastic bagged for retailer sales and wineboxed for direct sales. Plastic bags are twist-tied with a product label added inside the bag. Boxes are taped closed. We aim for around 4kg in each bag/box, approximately 80-90 pieces. There is a group of dedicated packers who enjoy getting together for a cuppa and a chat while sorting out the kindling.
Packing sessions are fortnightly on Fridays from 2-4pm at The Shed.

4. Deliverers
Most deliveries are to customers in the area and some retailers. We usually deliver Saturday mornings (to tie-in with Pig Manure deliveries.)

There are a couple of ways you can help:

1. Volunteer to help in a group – contact Simon (, 021 118 0071) if you’re interested – it’s a ‘when you can’ commitment of a couple of hours and we’d appreciate your support.

2. Collect wineboxes and banana boxes from supermarkets – and drop off at The Shed (or give to a member of the Kindling team.)